Monday, May 15, 2017


Ronald McDonald came to school today to read us a story all about him losing his red and white stripy sock.

He was hilarious!

We are going to write stories about him today.

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Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald was singing a silly song.  It went like this:  Click, goes your seat-belt, click, click, click.  Everyone laughed lots.

By Ryla

Ronald McDonald

I like Ronald McDonald because he makes frozen cokes and burgers too.  Ronald McDonald taught us about road rules and stop signs.  I learnt that when there is a stop sign we stop and we listen to make sure it's safe to cross.

By Charlotte-Rose

Ronald McDonald

The Ronald McDonald was being silly.  He shook his butt.  He was silly.  He lost his sock in the wind then he went to school to find it.

By Jesse

Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald showed a book and he shook his butt.  Everybody laughed at Ronald McDonald.

By Zahra

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